Monday, April 4, 2011

Good and Bad habits on WYD Pilgrimage - Part B - Time

Are you someone who always runs on time?  Not many people run on time, most are running late or get there early.  Time management is such an important issue on pilgrimage because there is always more to do and see than hours in the day.  So here are a few thoughts about developing habits around time management on pilgrimage:

  1. Are you always running late?  The reality is that almost everyone is busy and has a reason why they needed to be late. Not many of us admit that one reason we run late is our own disorganisation.  Whilst we are on pilgrimage it is not only the person who is late that suffers but the entire group suffers.  If you are someone who is always running late remember that many people see lateness as rudeness.  When you are thinking you can fit in one last thing before heading off remember that being on time is important too.
  2. Are you a member of the time police? Whilst some people are always early out of habit which is good, there are also those who appoint themselves as the time police.  The time police remind everyone who is late how much time the group lost.  They can be as destructive to group morale as those who are always late.  If you are someone who likes to be early please remember that others are not late if they are there at the agreed time.  A meeting time of 3:30pm does not mean get there at 3:00pm, a departure time of 3:30pm does not mean the bus can go at 3:20pm.
  3. Be Honest - we all make mistakes or get lost or get held up in the que for the toilet.  If you are late then be honest with the group and apologize; it will help rebuild the trust with the group.  If you know that you struggle with time management ask a travel buddy to give you a hand, perhaps ask them to give you a 15 minute reminder of a meeting time.
Whilst we know that there will be a variety people in any group, we travel at the speed of the lowest or weakest link.  On pilgrimage we should look out for each other, especially those with a bad habit of lateness.

Please post a comment if you have any time management tips for travelers.

1 comment:

  1. You could use your mobile (or other personal device; if you don't have one maybe you can buddy up with someone who does) as an alarm to remind you of when you need to LEAVE (or even a few minutes earlier) where you are so that you can be where you need to be at the time you need to be there (leaving earlier allows a margin of error or for unexpected circumstances).

    Also consider buddying up with someone who is habitually early
